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Another Paralysis Prevented by Successful Cervical Spine Surgery in Indore

You can visit Dr Sandeep Moolchandani (Consultant Spine Surgeon) who is well known for successful Cervical Spine Surgery in Indore.

Call and Book Appointment today for Best Cervical Spine Surgery in Indore

In the realm of neurosurgery, every case presents unique challenges, demanding a blend of expertise, innovation, and advanced technology. Recently, the neurosurgery team at Shalby Hospital, Indore, achieved success in treating a complex spine fracture through craniocervical fusion, underscoring the hospital’s leadership in cervical spine surgery in Indore.

Because of this fracture, the patient’s skull had started slipping from the neck bones. Due to this, the main nerve trunk coming from the brain was getting compressed, increasing the paralysis.

Advanced imaging was used in the planning phase which is available at Shalby Hospital, Indore.

Fusion is a surgical procedure where one or more of the bones in the spine are joined together by screws, bolts, and rods. The hardware provides mechanical stability for proper alignment and for the fractured bones to fuse. In this patient we were able to prevent paralysis by treating Craniocervical Instability and removing compression on spinal cord. The upper portion of the neck (C2 and C3 vertebra) was fused to the skull.

The successful outcome of this procedure underscores the significance of specialized care and collaboration in complex neurosurgical cases. Beyond the surgical prowess demonstrated, the case exemplifies the transformative impact of advanced spine surgery on patient outcomes and quality of life.

The integration of cutting-edge technology with surgical expertise enables hospitals like Shalby to deliver world-class spinal care, making significant strides in the field of neurosurgery. Moreover, initiatives like craniocervical fusion highlight the hospital’s dedication to pushing the boundaries of innovation and improving patient care.

In conclusion, the case of craniocervical fusion at Shalby Hospital serves as a testament to the hospital’s unwavering commitment to advancing spinal surgery in India. Through pioneering techniques, collaborative teamwork, and a patient-centric approach, Shalby Hospital continues to redefine standards in neurosurgical excellence, ensuring brighter prospects for patients with complex spinal conditions with Cervical Spine Surgery in Indore.

Understanding Various Types of Cervical Spine Surgery in Indore and CV Junction Surgery

Q: What are the different types of cervical spine surgeries offered in Indore?

A: In Indore, various types of cervical spine surgeries are performed depending on the specific condition and its severity. These include:

  1. Anterior Cervical Discectomy and Fusion (ACDF): This procedure involves removing a herniated or degenerated disc through the front of the neck and fusing the vertebrae using a bone graft.
  2. Posterior Cervical Fusion: Done through the back of the neck, this surgery stabilizes the cervical spine using bone grafts and hardware to fuse the vertebrae.
  3. Cervical Disc Replacement: A surgical procedure where a damaged cervical disc is replaced with an artificial disc to maintain motion at that spinal level.
  4. Laminectomy: Involves removing part or all of the lamina (roof) of the vertebra to relieve pressure on the spinal cord and nerves.
  5. Foraminotomy: Widening the neural foramen (the passageways where nerves exit the spinal canal) to relieve pressure on spinal nerves caused by foraminal stenosis.
  6. Cervical Corpectomy: Removal of vertebral body and adjacent discs to decompress the spinal cord and nerves.

Q: What is CV Junction Surgery, and when is it necessary?

A: CV junction (Craniovertebral Junction) surgery involves procedures focused on the junction between the Cranium (Skull) and the cervical spine (Vertebra). It becomes necessary in cases of severe trauma, congenital anomalies, tumors, infections, or degenerative conditions affecting this critical area.

Q: What are the specific types of CV junction surgeries performed in Indore?

A: In Indore, CV junction surgeries include:

  1. C1 C2 Fixation: This surgery corrects the compression by Odontoid process over spinal cord and stabilizes the connection between C1 and C2, typically used in cases of instability or trauma.
  2. Odontoid Fracture Repair: Involves stabilizing fractures of the odontoid process (part of the second cervical vertebra) through fusion or fixation techniques.
  3. Occipitocervical Fusion: Fusion of the occipital bone (base of the skull) with the upper cervical spine, addressing instability or trauma affecting this region.

Q: What should patients consider before opting for cervical spine or CV junction surgery in Indore?

A: Patients should consider consulting with a neurosurgeon specialized in spine surgery to understand the specific diagnosis, treatment options, potential risks, and expected outcomes. Factors such as overall health, lifestyle modifications, and post-operative care requirements should also be discussed.

Q: What are the benefits of choosing Indore for cervical spine and CV junction surgery?

A: Indore offers several advantages, including access to highly skilled neurosurgeons experienced in complex spine surgeries, advanced medical infrastructure, personalized care, and often more affordable treatment options compared to metropolitan cities. Moreover, the city’s strategic location and well-developed healthcare facilities make it a favorable destination for patients seeking specialized spine care. You can consult Dr Sandeep Moolchandani who is well known in Indore for Spine surgeries.

Q: How is post-operative care managed for patients undergoing cervical spine or CV junction surgery in Indore?

A: Post-operative care in Indore typically involves personalized rehabilitation programs, pain management strategies, and follow-up consultations to monitor recovery progress. Patients receive comprehensive guidance on post-operative exercises, dietary recommendations, and potential signs of complications to ensure optimal healing and long-term spinal health.

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#AdvancedSpineSurgery #spinehealth


शाल्बी अस्पताल की न्यूरोसर्जरी टीम ने क्रैनियोसर्विकल फ्यूजन द्वारा एक और जटिल स्पाइन फ्रैक्चर का इलाज किया है।

इस फ्रैक्चर के कारण मरीज की गर्दन की हड्डियों से खोपड़ी खिसकने लगी थी। इससे मस्तिष्क से आने वाली मुख्य तंत्रिका तना दब रहा था, जिससे पक्षाघात बढ़ रहा था।

योजना चरण में उन्नत इमेजिंग का उपयोग किया गया जो इंदौर के शाल्बी अस्पताल में उपलब्ध है। फ़्यूज़न एक सर्जिकल प्रक्रिया है जहां रीढ़ की हड्डी की एक या अधिक हड्डियों को स्क्रू, बोल्ट और रॉड से एक साथ जोड़ा जाता है। हार्डवेयर उचित संरेखण और टूटी हुई हड्डियों को जोड़ने के लिए यांत्रिक स्थिरता प्रदान करता है। इस मरीज में हमने क्रानियोसर्विकल अस्थिरता का इलाज करके और रीढ़ की हड्डी पर दबाव को हटाकर पक्षाघात को रोका। गर्दन के ऊपरी हिस्से (सी2 और सी3 कशेरुका) को शल्य चिकित्सा द्वारा खोपड़ी से जोड़ दिया गया।

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Best Neurologist in Indore

Dr Sandeep Moolchandani

MBBS, MS (Chennai), MHA (Mumbai), PAHM (USA), FIPM, FISS, DrNB Neurosurgery (Delhi)

Consultant Neuro and Spine Surgeon

Dr Sandeep Moolchandani is one of the best Neurosurgeon in Indore/ best Spine Surgeon in Indore/ best Neurologist in Indore, Madhya Pradesh (MP). He has a total clinical experience of 16 years. He has received his training from high volume Neurosurgical referral and tertiary care centers of North India. He has practiced in busy Neurosurgical departments of Maulana Azad Medical College & LNJP Hospital, New Delhi and MGM Medical & MY Hospital, Indore. He has expertise in all areas of Neurosurgery, including Spine Surgery, Neuroncology, Neurotrauma, Pediatric Neurosurgery and Vascular Neurosurgery. He has special interest and training in Endoscopic Spine Surgery (UBE and Transforaminal Endoscopy).

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